Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky

Štátny pedagogický ústav v Bratislave

Európska komisia - zastúpenie na Slovensku

SlovakEdu, o.z. Nitra

Katedra anglického jazyka a literatúry PdF Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave,

Inštitút anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove

Katedra anglického jazyka a literatúry FF Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku,

Hlava, s.r.o., Žilina

Súkromná základná škola, Oravská cesta, Žilina



and the exclusive partner

and partners


are honored to invite you to the international conference for researchers, academics, teacher trainers and teachers

New Perspectives on CLIL, Bilingualism and Plurilingualism

Bratislava, 1 December 2016

How to proceede with application:

1. Submit your abstract

2. You will receive the letter of abstract acceptance/rejection.

3. Submit your registration form.

4. You will receive the invoice.

5. Pay your conference fee.

6. You will receive the payment confirmation and confirmation that your registration has been completed.

7. Your presentation will be scheduled in the conference programme.

8. Submit your final paper.


Key note speaker: Phil Ball (OUP)

Co-author of the latest book on CLIL:

Putting CLIL into Practice (by OUP, 2015)



Important dates

Abstract submission: 15 November 2016 (included)

Notification of acceptance/rejection: 17 November 2016

Registration deadline: 20 November 2016 (included)

Publishing the Book of Abstracts: 1 December 2016

Final paper submission (including virtual papers, and posters): 31 January 2017

Publishing the conference monograph: 28 February 2017