CLEaR2014: Conference Programme
CLEaR 2014 Conference Programme
Thursday 4 December 2014 |
8:00-13:00 |
Registration hotel Pax, the Panorama Restaurant entrance hall on the 6th floor (address: Kúpeľná 10, Trenčianske Teplice)
9:00-9:20 |
Opening & organisation notes hotel Pax, restaurant Panorama
10:00–10:40 |
Plenaries Françoise RABY (France):Forging new pathways for research on language learning motivation (ID 126)Dorota Werbińska (Poland):Becoming an English language teacher: Continuities and Discontinuities (ID 108) |
10:40-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-11:20 |
Gameel Hussein (Abu Dhabi): Towards Invest Media Materials in Arabic Teaching (ID 101) |
11:20-11:40 |
Věra Janíková (Czech Republic):Mehrsprachige Schreib- und Textkompetenz in curricularen Vorgaben, Sprachprüfungen, Sprachlehrwerken und im Sprachunterricht Teilergebnisse einer empirischen Studie/ Multilingual writing skills and text competence in curricular requirements/ a language exam (ID 138) |
11:40-12:00 |
Elena Napolnova (Turkey):Ethnic linguistic worldviews: “the devil is in the detail” (ID 111) |
12:00-12:20 |
Nicole Lancereau-Forster (France): An Observatory for Foreign Language Usage in the Workplace (ID 128) |
12:20–12:40 |
Petra Jesenská (Slovakia):Stylistic Value of English Elements in the Slovak Language (ID 113) |
12:40-13:00 |
Artur Świątek (Poland):The Use of the English Article System by Polish and Turkish Students of English Philology (118) |
13:00-14:00 |
Lunch (hotel Pax Dining Room)
14:00-14:20 |
Michaela Píšová, Světlana Hanušová, Klára Kostková & Věra Janíková (Czech Republic): The model of foreign language teacher expertise: a prototype view (ID 131) |
14:20-14:40 |
Světlana Hanušová, Klára Kostková, & Michaela Píšová (Czech Republic): Determinants of the development of foreign language teacher expertise (ID 132) |
14:40-15:00 |
Zuzana Straková (Slovakia): Pre-service Trainees´ Conception of Themselves Based on the EPOSTL Criteria: a case study (ID 143) |
15:00-15:20 |
Ivana Cimermanová (Slovakia):E-Portfolios in Teacher Education – developing reflective thinking (ID 137) |
15:20-15:40 |
Michal Bodorík (Slovakia):Content Analysis in the ELT Research (ID 145) |
15:40-16:00 |
Coffee |
20:00-22:00 |
Welcome party (hotel Pax, the Congress Hall)
Friday 5 December 2014
8:50-9:00 |
Opening & organisation notes (hotel Pax, restaurant Panorama) |
9:00–9:20 |
Marta Szymańska (Poland):Teaching language as communication in Polish primary school – theory and practice (ID 105) |
9:20-9:40 |
Piroschka Leeck (Germany):How portfolio work helps elementary school children improve their listening comprehension (ID 104) |
9:40-10:00 |
Anne O’Mahoney (France):The ancient art of « debating » and its usefulness in the foreign language classroom: the case of the French Debating Association (ID 115) |
10:00-10:20 |
Aneta Rogalska-Marasińska (Poland):Developing intercultural openness – how students describe and interpret cultural texts? (ID 109) |
10:20-10:40 |
Lydia Timms (Australia):Culturally Appropriate Literacy Intervention in Australian Indigenous School Children with Otitis Media (OM) (ID 103) |
10:40-11:00 |
Eva Homolová (Slovakia):Some remarks on teaching English to autistic children (ID 114) |
11:00-11:20 |
Coffee break |
11:20-11:40 |
Danica Gondová (Slovakia): Scaffolding Language in CLIL Lessons (ID149) |
11:40-12:00 |
Michaela Sepešiová (Slovakia):Professional Competences of CLIL Teachers in Primary Education (ID 136) |
12:00-12:20 |
Zuzana Šimková (Slovakia):Developing plurilinguism of children at nursery schools (ID 146) |
12:20-12:40 |
Artur Świątek (Poland):‘Gmina’, ‘województwo’, ‘powiat’, etc. – How to Relevantly Translate such Intricate Polish Words into English and Remain Competent? The Challenges for University students, Translation-Trainees and Translators (ID 117) |
12:40-13:00 |
Silvia Pokrivčáková (Slovakia)e-CLIL (ID 144) |
13:00-14:00 |
Lunch (hotel Pax Dining Room) |
14:00-19:00 |
Trenčín guided tour 14:07 – bus from the Trencianske Teplice bus station 14:33 – arrival to Trenčín 15:00 – the Trenčín castle guided tour 16:00 – free programme in Trenčín |
6 Dec |
Vienna Christmas Markets trip 9:00 – 17:00 |
Virtual papers |
Claire Chaplier & Anne-Marie O’Connell (France): Prolegomena to the epistemology of Languages for non-specialists: the example of CLIL (ID 112) |
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253