LLCE2017 Virtual session
The virtual session of the conference will be active from July 11th, 2017 to December 31st, 2017
To discuss the papers/presentations/video presentations in the session, the audience can contact authors via e-mail addresses published in the papers.
(Re-)Contextualisation and Remediation in The Poetry of Albert OstermaierJan Demcisak, FF UCM Trnava, Slovakia, ID LLCE2017-153 presentation |
Filozofickosť a meditatívnosť v rozprávkových textochGabriela Magalová, Trnava University, Slovakia, ID LLCE2017-170 |
New strategies of publishing children´s literature in Slovakia Eva Vitézová, Trnava University, Slovakia, ID LLCE2017-175 |
Komparatistika ako edukačný prostriedok porozumenia a komunikácie: Niekoľko poznámok ku kategórii "národné" a "svetové"Anna Zelenková, Slovanský ústav AV ČR Praha, Czech republic, ID LLCE2017-186 |
Culture in the Waste Land Anton Pokrivčák, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Slovakia, ID LLCE2017-187 presentation |
Kultúrny kapitál v edukácii dospelých Rómov a Rómiek z marginalizovaných komunítIvana Pirohová & Marek Lukáč, Prešov University, Slovakia, ID LLCE2017-174 |
Development of EFL literacy with technology support at lower proficiency levelsZuzana Straková, Prešov University, Slovakia, ID LLCE2017-179 presentation |
Undergraduate Tourism Students’ Views on the Importance of Being Interculturally Competent Speakers of a Foreign LanguageZuzana Sándorová, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia, ID LLCE2017-186 |
Teaching literary analysis – methodological challenges Silvia Pokrivcakova, Trnava university, Slovakia, ID LLCE2017-180 abstract |
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
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918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253