The conference was held during May 7-9, 2014, in the historic city of Nitra, Slovakia. LLCE2014 connected and enriched the tradition of the conference series Foreign Languages and Cultures at School (2002-2013) and created an ideal platform for academics, researchers, scientists, scholars, teacher trainers and teachers to discuss, exchange and share their research results, projects, experiences, and new ideas about all aspects of studies in language, literature, culture and related areas in a truly international atmosphere. A special social event: Banská Štiavnica: Additionally, the LLCE2014 participants had the occasion to visit Banská Štiavnica (the Unesco World Heritage site).

LLCE2014 Conference Programme
LLCE2014 Publications
A. CD publications
Language, Literature and Culture in Education 2014: Book of Abstracts, ISBN: 978-80-971580-1-9
This CD publication includes abstracts of accepted papers for the LLCE 2014 conference.
Language, Literature and Culture in Education 2014: Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 978-80-971580-0-2
This CD proceedings include all papers presented at the LLCE 2014 conference (with the exception of the papers approved for publishing in the JoLaCE issue 2014/2 and 2014/3).
B. Virtual section of the conference (video and ppt presentations)
was active from May 7th, 2014 to June 30th, 2014.
C. A regular JoLaCE issues 2014/2 (May 2014) and 2014/3 (September 2014)
Conference Papers approved by the reviewers were published in the JoLaCE: Journal of Language and Cultural Education (ISSN:1339-4045 print, ISSN: 1339-4584 online).
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253