Journal of Language and Cultural Education
issue 2015/1
(January 2015)
(to see the complete issue, click on the picture below)
Research papers |
Forging new pathways for research on language learning motivation Françoise Raby, France |
5 |
Becoming an English language teacher: continuities and discontinuities Dorota Werbińska, Poland |
24 |
The perception of readiness for teaching profession: a case of pre-service trainees Zuzana Straková, Slovakia |
53 |
Teaching language as communication in Polish primary school: theory and practice Marta Szymańska, Poland |
68 |
Portfolio-work and its effects on listening comprehension of very young learners Piri Leeck, Germany |
89 |
Digital portfolio in building teaching efficacy of pre-service teachers Ivana Cimermanová, Slovakia |
112 |
Prolegomena to the epistemology of languages for non-specialists: the example of CLIL Claire Chaplier & Anne-Marie O'Connell, France |
130 |
The ancient art of «debating» and it’s usefulness in the foreign language classroom: the case of the French Debating Association Anne O’Mahoney, France |
144 |
Developing intercultural openness – how students describe and interpret cultural texts? Aneta Rogalska-Marasińska, Poland |
159 |
Enhancing student schematic knowledge of culture through literature circles in a foreign language classroom Alastair Graham-Marr, Japan |
189 |
Huntahan vocab assessment toward enriching mother tongue-based classroom practices Reynald M. Cacho & Lynle C. Cacho, Philippines |
201 |
Some remarks on the state of lexicography research Anna Włodarczyk-Stachurska, Poland |
211 |
Stylistic value of English elements in the Slovak language Petra Jesenská, Slovakia |
223 |
“Hurry, hurry and love, what thou shall not see twice”: The Shakespeare Festival at the National Theatre in Prague in 1916 Ivona Mišterová, Czech Republic |
238 |
Changeable tones in the game with tradition: the reception of antiquity in Michel Faber’s The Crimson Petal and The White Agata Buda, Poland |
254 |
Review |
The past through the present Anton Pokrivčák |
263 |
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253