Culture in Foreign Language Learning in Slovakia
Ivana Cimermanová, Slovakia, ID LLCE2016-367; Culture and language are undoubtedly intertwined and linguocultural training increases also the international understanding and global awareness. Foreign language learning is an important part of formal compulsory education in Slovakia. In many cases the number of lessons is higher compared to any other subject. Findings of the research show that majority of foreign language teachers do not pay attention to teaching culture even though they realise how valuable source it might. Culture is considered to be the fifth language skills and it should find its position on the language teaching. The presentation, besides the survey results, brings some ideas how to integrate culture into language teaching and use it also as a way to motivate the learners.
Key words: culture, language teaching, visual art, history
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253