E-Learning: track record and future prospects
Russia, ID LLCE2016-342; Over the last decade E-Learning has been gaining popularity, mainly thanks to faster Internet and better communication technologies. In turn, it allowed E-Learning to become a very important part in modern studying. Moreover, such a system can be used both in class and for studying at home.
This paper deals with our experience with the "Prometei" (Prometheus) remote system which is used in some universities of the Russian Federation. We are going to compare it with other systems and give our opinion about its prospects and future steps that take into account the needs of modern learners, based on our experience in using this system in foreign language classes.
Key words: E-Learning, Learning management system, studying process, foreign languages teaching.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253