Education and upbringing as parts of the culture of society

Prof Jan Danek, University of Ss cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia, ID LLCE2018-384;      Abstract: Education is, together with science, literature and art, the expressive part of culture of every society as the demonstration of the solicitude of society about a man and with this reality created the solicitude of indivudual to society too. Education and upbringing have influence not only on knowledge, but on behaviour of people in social conditions because respect to laws and norms of interpersonal cooperation  between people means demonstration of social culture in concrete country. From this reason the quality of education and upbringing brings not only expressive interpersonal contacts, direct communication, better relationships between people with different social position, religion, conviction, work , nationality or personal orientation on the base of mutual understanding and tolerance. Not only in  relationships between people, but in relationships of people, as individual or groups, to nature as the most important base of the life on the Earth too. In this sense will the article deal with analyse of essential coherences of the education and upbringing in application to life of individuals, groups of people and society in sense of the measure of responsibility and dignity of every man.


Key words :  culture, education, upbringing, society, man.



Journal of Language and Cultural Education Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
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