Experiences and incentives from immigration to the West of Slovakia
Prof. PaedDr. Ján Danek, PhD., University of Ss Cyril and Methodius, Slovakia, ID CLEaR2017-464; Abstract: Migration is phenomenon of multicultural relationhips in human history which helps people to gain a new knowledge, skills and insights into the world and life. In this sense the article deals with general values and values of immigrants in life, culture and intercultural relations in territory of West Slovakia. The essence and emphasis of the analysis of the problem is oriented to the importance of the arrival and the acceptance of forest people ( honcokars, Holzhäcker ) from Germany and Austria to the high quality of forest managment to the level of inter -country relations and to interpersonal and intercultular tolerance.
Key words : migration, multicultural relations,forest people, knowlegde, tolerance, education, West Slovakia
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
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