Spain, ID CLEaR2015-211
We are all different and individuals differ in how they learn. The different Learning styles are the differences in individuals' pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations. After analyzing the learning styles in the text books used to learn English as a second language, changes should be made to improve the quality of books as they only help a small percentage of students. The excessive use of exercises that help the Learning Style with less students and the small representation of exercises which help students with other styles shows that text books follow a mistaken tendency. Text books are tools that generate learning, and if we improved them taking into account the different learning styles, we would be creating a real Learning Generator for all the students, without any exception at all. The diversity of learning styles and the student´s different level in a school subject should not be a problem if we used a never-failing learning generator: the digital book. The evolution of the textbook towards the digital book is now in the classrooms. The new technologies are here to stay due to its countless advantages. The only possible problem is the lack of teachers’ technological command.
It seems that the role of the teacher is changing dramatically, since we used to pass knowledge and now we are mere guides. It also seems that the textbook is also evolving and that the paper format will end up being replaced by a digital format book. Everything seems to point that both evolutions will be overlapped and the education classroom will evolve into online education.
It seems utopia, but it would be an attainable utopia if we prepared text books that could make them learn at their maximum capacities. Could we imagine a learning system where all students learned at their best? What degree of knowledge could those students end up reaching?
KEY WORDS: Learning Styles, Second language acquisition, Teaching methodologies
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253