Alžbeta Lobotková, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda, Slovakia, ID CLEaR2017-462; Abstract: Nowadays we are experiencing many models of systematic observation and subsequent analysis of educational process. Many approaches focus only on the activity of the teacher. Micro-teaching analyzes, however, give opportunity to assess interactional process between teacher and student, not just the result. In this regard, the research study focuses on determining motivational influence of the teacher on students, the style of the teacher’s teaching and the development of cognitive functions of students during foreign language lessons. For this reason, using the AS9 analytical scheme, we have focused on observing and recording engagement units from teacher to students during the English and German lessons. The research sample was made up of teachers from secondary vocational school in the Trencin region. The results show that motivational action results of foreign language teachers do not respond to real motivational action due to the use of “filler words”, the middle degree of directions and development of lower cognitive processes prevails.
Key words: micro-teaching analyzes, teaching lesson, foreign language, teacher’s style of teaching, direction/non-direction index, motivation, motivation index, cognitive functions index
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
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918 43 Trnava
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