Naozaj záleží na výslovnosti? – pomôžme žiakom prekonať (ne)pravidlá cudzojazyčnej výslovnosti
Roman Čančinov, Megabooks
Pronunciation matters – practical tips on how to help your students to overcome pronunciation challenges
Pronunciation might be one of the critical components of language mastery, especially when you learn English. It is often one of the most challenging areas for non-native speakers. English is known for its irregular pronunciations, which can be confusing for Slovak learners. In my presentation we are going to look at some typical pronunciation issues concerning silent letters, homophones and their meanings, sounds not existing in our language and irregular pronunciations that are against all the rules. Participants will be given some practical tips of how to work with English pronunciation in class and how their students can improve their pronuncuation at home, too. We will share our own experience of working with pronunciation, some tips of words pronounced irregularly.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253