Philotopical Gaze as Research Methodology for Literary Works
Lithuania, ID CLEaR2015-247
The report examines the possiblities of appilicability of philotopical gaze – the reflection of love to the place on this side of the horizon – to the analysis of literary texts. The main focus in the report is given to the analysis of the problems of the space in literary work and the philotopical place, as well as the relations between the traditional order and modernity. In applying the access of philotopical gaze to the analysis of literary work, the issue of the figure of the Other becomes especially important. Philotopical gaze allows to emphasize the process of mediation between linguistic discourse and speechless item in a literary text. Philotopy completely negates the traditional theories of the autobiographical nature of literary works. The report summarizes it all by reflections on why philotopical gaze is methodology and why, on the other hand, it only claims for the status of the point of view of the analysis of a literary work.
Keywords: philotopical gaze, space, place, traditional order, modernity, meditation, autobiographical nature.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253