Pros and cons of using e-learning as a support for internationalization of learning (virtual paper)
Zuzana Straková, University of Prešov, Slovakia, ID CLEaR2017-494; Abstract: E-learning in higher education has its well-established position and is frequently used by institutions for a variety of purposes. One of them is also the support of full-time students who intend to study abroad for a short period as a part of their regular study programme. This is a common situation that is being conducted within some grant schemes such as Erasmus+ or other funding institutions. Students who go through this experience often face an extreme load of duties they have to fulfil after they return to their home institution due to the fact that most of the subject matter they have to master is being provided to them after the mobility is over.
Therefore e-learning courses could come as a solution, if they are being offered by the home institution, and students can study simultaneously the home courses they need to master at their home institution and the host institution courses at the same time. This case study focuses on the students´ perspectives and aims to answer the questions whether the students consider the use of e-learning while studying abroad beneficial or a burden. The data were collected by questionnaires given to all students who attended the mobility abroad and the results indicate that what might seem at the first sight as an a clear benefit does not always turn out to be like that. The conclusions made based on this case study suggest that e-learning as a part of full-time study can by successful only if certain conditions are met.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
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