Strategies for developingself-regulated learning of foreign languages in the context of adult education
Denisa Gunišová, Slovakia, ID LLCE2016-322; An art to learn and respond appropriately to the needs of permanently changing society is currently gaining its prominence. Self - regulation is a term that is current and at the forefront in teaching and learning of students and adults. Development of procedures as well as learning strategies are also a significant issue in terms of linguodidactics. In this respect, it is important to remove cognitive and personality barriers in the process of learning and gain an awareness of our cognitive processes, which helps to prevents insufficiencies while learning foreign languages. When teaching adults, it is necessary to consider psycho - physiological peculiarities of this age group. They approach to it in a responsible way, a considerable motivation for study is present and last but not least, experience and pragmatism in thinking. This paper deals primarily with meta-cognitive learning strategies, self-regulation of learning that help to perceive language learning as a lifelong process.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
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918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253