The effect of applying somatic auditory visual intellectual (SAVI) method on students’ ability in writing procedure text (workshop)
Sahat Samosir, Taiwan, ID LLCE2018-339; ABSTRACT: This study deals with the effect of applying somatic auditory visual intellectual (SAVI) method on students’ ability in writing procedure text. This study is inspired by the problem that students’ faced in learning procedure text in terms of writing skill. Learners faced some difficulties in explaining the generic structures and language features of procedure text. Anothing problem is that the method of teaching procedure was ineffective in which the learners tended to be passive learners while they were learning. This condition made the students underachieve in writing and lead them to poor performance. As a result, learners are not able to write a procedure text. Related to those problems, SAVI method emphasizes that learning shall exploit all appliance senses owned by the learners. The uses of all senses in teaching learning of writing procedure would be more effective as the learners become actively and increase their interest. Learners demonstrate a procedure how to do something (somatic); learners listen to what they are demonstrating (auditory); learners watch the demonstration (visual); learners think through how to apply the information being presented to the writing task (intellectual). The subject of this study was the second grade in the first semester in senior high school level. They were chosen as the sample by applying random sampling. They were 70 students divided into two groups. Experimental group was taught by applying SAVI method, while the control group was taught through conventional method. This study amied to find out if the teaching procedure text by applying SAVI method significantly affects on the students’ ability in writing procedure text. It was eight weeks the time long period of conducting of study, both experimental and control groups were given pre-test before the presentation of the material. The pre-test is used to find the mean scores of each group before doing treatment. The treatment was given to the experimental group for some periods. After giving treatment, both experimental and control groups were given post-test. This pos-test was exactly different of instrument from the pre-test which has been used before. In the post-test, learners were asked to write a procedure text and there are five component scales in scoring students’ writing, namely: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics. This post-test is used in order to know the mean scores both of groups. The result of the tests have been compared and analyzed. The data of this research were taken from the students’ score of writing test. To obtain the reliability of the test, the researcher used pearson product moment formula. Based on the data calculation showed that the coefficient of the test was 0.82, it shows that the test is reliable and the reliability is high. There were two data used in this research. They were pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula to show the effect of applying SAVI method on students’ ability in writing procedure text. After analyzing the data, the finding indicates that t-observed was higher than t-table (4.60 > 1.994) at the level significant 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 68. It means that the hypothesis, applying SAVI method has significant affected on the students’ ability in writing procedure text is accepted. After analyzing the data, it is concluded that teaching procedure text by applying SAVI method significantly affects on the students’ ability in writing procedure text, as the mean score of experimental group (75.14) was higher than the mean score of control group (65.97). The result of this study is expected to contribute either the theories or practices. In theoretically, the researcher as reference to conduct the research related to SAVI theory, the other researchers who want to conduct the same research in applying SAVI method in teaching writing procedure text or other skills. In practically, the English teachers as the source of learning to improve the students’ ability in writing procedure text.
Key words: SAVI method, writing skill, procedure text
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
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918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253