Via international cooperation towards CLIL teacher competence enhancement
Slovakia, ID Výzvy2016-420;
Setting an effective CLIL learning-teaching environment is a major responsibility of CLIL teachers. More than two decades CLIL has been applied into education process at various schools around Europe. Supported by EU policy with aiming at enhancing foreign language competences of students, CLIL implementation process has thrived in diverse national, local, school and classroom environments. Scholars, practitioners and teachers are still in a vivid debate to define essential CLIL principles, to standardize CLIL application procedure and to turn all that into practice. Several years of CLILing Europe allowed diverse stakeholders in CLIL implementation process to start dealing with and analysing the results, practical outcomes, experience from the process on all level of education. There are many international project teams that worked or still working on CLIL issues. The paper aims at mapping project activities funded by EU that concers with CLIL approach. Some experience concerning CLIL teacher trainings, cooperation outside Europe is discussed. Particular outcomes of one ERASMUS+ project are presented. Finally some ideas for enhancing CLIL teacher competences are proposed.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253