Použitie CLIL – nástroja v slovenskom kurikule
Katarína Vilčeková
Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Slovensko
The aim of the paper is to verify the functionality of the CLIL instrument in the context of the Slovak curriculum. First, the EU requirements on language politics are summarised briefly, as well as the conception of teaching foreign languages in Slovakia. Second, the basic information on the CLIL method are introduced. Along with definitions of the method, its pluses and minuses are defined as well as the posible reasons of its positive influence on foreign language learning. Third, some Instruments which can help teachers with planning and applying the method. Moreover, the attention is paid to the CLIL matrix. To ilustrate the ideas presented in the paper, two model lessons of secondary mathematics and geography are presented and analysed.
Key words: CLIL, curriculum, CLIL matrix, CLIL instrument, foreign languages
Journal of Language and Cultural Education
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
Priemyselna 4
P. O. BOX 9
918 43 Trnava
+421 948 632253